Providing the most functional and efficient serviced offices in Hong Kong!
p商業 / 商業優惠paceoffseo

Available position in Hospitality Industry are: Marketing, Bar& Waiter Catering and Conference Services, Hospitality Management, Receptionist, Activity staff, Resort Rep, Food Service Assistant etc...

GLCM (Hons.)UK, LTCL, ALCM *英國音樂系榮譽學士學位 *英國倫敦聖三一音樂學院鋼琴鋼琴級演奏文憑 *英國倫敦音樂學院鋼琴文憑 *曾任浸會大學校外課程導師 *錄製教學影片,隨時重溫及進度快 免費教學影片及给予你專業意見,用心助你 *可錄影video交功課,提供專業彈奏意見 *因材施教及互動輕鬆形式,激發學習動力和啟發潛能,培養自信心及創造豐盛人生

專業婚禮司儀課程,除了課堂培訓, 更有機會跟隨導師出席真實婚禮實習,大大增加入行機會
結婚 / 婚禮統籌Angel Bless

The Hongkong and Shanghai Hotels, Limited is the holding company of a group which is engaged in the ownership, development and management of hotels, commercial properties and clubs and services. 
c商業 / 顧問citymacau

Specialized in French examinations' preparation : iGCSE, SAT, A/AS-Level, IB, DELF, etc

One of the largest investor-owned power businesses in Asia, CLP Power Hong Kong Limited is a wholly-owned subsidiary of CLP Holdings Limited

我們上門維修服務,直接為顧客提供快捷 上門檢查 及 維修打印機 服務 我們的專業團隊,均有豐富維修經驗,能提供專業檢查及評估,高效解決各種文儀器材損壞問題 維修範圍:打印機,影印機,多合一影印 打印機,傳真機,文儀器材 來電報價 62568108

Native English Teacher born and raised in England. Jolly Phonics method. The Oxford Reading Tree. The Cambridge Kid’s Box. The Cambridge Young Learners English Tests and Trinity Examinations

上門維修打印機 ,多合一機及掃瞄器服務。範圍覆蓋整個香港、九龍及新界區,如另加零件或更換等,必先報價。 所有價格均歡迎查詢 66914725。 維 修 Laserjet printer ,colorlaserjet printer,上紙不順,打印黑線,打 印 效 果 不 理 想 問 題.
商業 / 文儀及精品打印店

無暇看店 頂讓全店設施,所有櫃,衣架,cashier.....貨。大量今年款式make in korea

Metrosix is an online retailer for computers, mobile phones, tablets and accessories from popular brands. Based in HK, Metrosix also ships worldwide.

飼養寵物魚比其他貓狗動物簡單很多 可幫助小朋友有效逐步建立恆心及責任心 包活包健康 免費快递到你的地址 Guaranteed Alive and Healthy Free courier service to your address (1) 24K全黃金大耳孔雀魚 24K Full Golden Dumbo Guppy (2) 白金大耳紅尾孔雀魚 Dumbo Red Tail

長笛. 牧童笛. 鋼琴. 樂理. 電子鍵盤. 電腦音樂私人教授 Flute. Recorder. Piano. Theory. Keyboard. Computer Music private lesson - 已考獲英國聖三一音樂學院長笛演奏級,皇家音樂學院8級長笛, 鋼琴, 牧童笛 。 ATCL in flute (Trinity College), Grad

Ikea Wardrobe in very good condition 宜家衣櫃 Width: 150cm, Depth: 66cm, Height: 236.4cm 寬度: 150厘米,深度: 66厘米,身高: 236.4厘米 Inside: hangers and shelfs and 3 drawers 內部:衣架和3個抽屜 Price: 700 HKD 如有興趣請電(Whatsapp
f家居 / 智能家居franfran

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Min 3 years' experience in front-line customer service and operation preferred Proactive, initiate, self-driven and responsible Able to work independently under pressure Good communication and interpe
商業 / 金融投資及保險慧美公司

Requirements: Strong communication skills Relevant experience in marketing job would be an advantage Well-organized and good team player Responsible, mature, positive-attitude and hard-working
商業 / 金融投資及保險慧美公司

Our product lines range from fragrance, emblems, body kits, mirrors, interior accessories, bulbs, auto lamps, and many more.
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